Aldeburgh Museum has been awarded Highly Commended in the Conservation category for its sensitive internal refurbishment and conservation of the iconic Moot Hall building.
Aldeburgh Museum is located in the Grade 1 Listed, 16th Century timber-framed Moot Hall, owned by Aldeburgh Town Council, where it tells of Aldeburgh’s rich history. Supported with a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the museum trustees in partnership with Aldeburgh Town Council, embarked on the refurbishment of the museum and Moot Hall. Work started as soon as the museum closed its doors to the public in November 2018 and was completed in under 12 months, when the museum reopened its doors in September 2019.
Beating some strong contenders, the judges of East Suffolk District Council’s Quality of Place Awards considered that the Aldeburgh Museum internal refurbishment project has preserved and enhanced the character of the historic Moot Hall building giving it a sustainable future.
Tony Bone, Chairman of Aldeburgh Museum Trustees said; ‘to receive this award is a great tribute to all the hard work of my fellow trustees and volunteers without whose dedication and commitment we wouldn’t have a bright, modern-day museum. Our vision was made achievable and our thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund, Hudson’s Architects and Aldeburgh Town Council with whom we with collaborated closely.’
A virtual awards ceremony was carried out on 8th February 2021 and can be viewed at